We are pleased to announce the seminar “The acoustics of brass instruments”, which will be held by Vincent Freour on
December 18th from 4.45pm to 6.00pm.
Join the seminar (open to all) in this Webex room: https://politecnicomilano.webex.com/meet/mirco.pezzoli
Understanding the functioning of a musical instrument, as well as the functioning of the musician and the way he/she controls it are crucial questions for the musicians, but also of the physicists! This talk will focus on the particular case of brass (or lip-reed) instruments such as the trumpet or the trombone. After reviewing the fundamentals of the acoustics of brass instruments, we will present different studies that aim at bringing new knowledge in the domain of brass instrument performance and pedagogy, as well as developing new technologies for numerically aided design of brass instruments.
I received a PhD in Music Technology from McGill University in 2013. My research concentrates on the experimental analysis and modelling of the musician, his/her musical instrument, and the interactions between both systems. In the last years, I had the opportunity to collaborate with various leading research institutes, including IRCAM (France), CIRMMT (Canada), the bioengineering department of Politecnico di Milano (Italy), LAUM (France), LMA (France). Since 2015, I work as a researcher in the R&D division of the Japanese musical instrument company YAMAHA. After three years at the company headquarters in Japan, I moved to Marseille in 2018 in the framework of a collaboration between YAMAHA and the Laboratory of Mechanics and Acoustics (LMA).
