We are pleased to announce the seminar “The acoustics of brass instruments”, which will be held by Vincent Freour on December 18th from 4.45pm to 6.00pm. Join the seminar (open to all) in this Webex room: https://politecnicomilano.webex.com/meet/mirco.pezzoli Abstract Understanding the
L’Ascesa dell’Audio Spaziale: Nuovi Strumenti Matematici per l’Acustica Interattiva, Intelligente e Environment-Aware

Un seminario organizzato dall’Intelligent Signal Processing and MultiMedia (ISPAMM) group dell’Università La Sapienza di Roma, per l’Audio Engineering Society (AES). Il seminario è parte della serie “Virtual Seminar Series on Artificial Intelligence for Sound Sythesis and Analysis”http://ispac.diet.uniroma1.it/event/audioai-seminars/ Gio 10 Dicembre,
MAE Seminar – Rhythmic complexity and tension in music

A musical Seminar/Clinic with Yogev Gabay Organized for the course of “Computer Music Representations and Models” and for the Master Program in Music and Acoustic Engineering Wed Dec 9, 2020 – 10:15am to 2:15pm Open to all who register in
MAE Seminar – The role of the acoustics engineer in the musical instrument industry

We are pleased to announce the seminar “The role of the acoustics engineer in the musical instrument industry”, which will be held by Tahvanainen Henna, PhD student at the Aalto University in Finland, on December 11th (this Friday) from 4.45pm