The GTTI-SPS Thematic Meeting on Multimedia Signal Processing gathers researchers and professionals in the domain of multimedia signal processing and its applications. The event offers the participants the opportunity to interact and exchange ideas about scientific achievements, as well as to promote
Research-code thoughts
I’m sharing a few thoughts over the code development – research relationship accumulated over the past three years, in the hope these will be helpful to someone else. Our primary goal is to publish, explain, and communicate to others what our research is about.
Il Rettore visita ISPL
Il 31 maggio 2018 il Rettore ha visitato l’Advanced Network Technologies Laboratory (ANTLab) e l’Image and Sound processing Laboratory (ISPL) del Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria del Politecnico di Milano. Maggiori informazioni a questo link.
NVIDIA Donates to ISPL two Quadro P6000 GPUs
ISPL has submitted two project proposals for the NVIDIA GPU Grant: Deep learning for multimedia forensics Deep learning for geophysical applications We are pleased to announce that NVIDIA decided to support both projects donating two Quadro P6000 GPUs to the