David Güera (Purdue University) presents the video manipulation detection method developed in partnership with ISPL [1]. This work was accepted as contribution to the workshop “Deep Learning for Detecting AudioVisual Fakes” at ICML 2019. [1] D. Güera, S. Baireddy, P.
ISPL @ EAGE 2019
Vincenzo Lipari and Francesco Picetti are attending the EAGE Annual Meeting in London, UK.Inspiring talks, interesting presentations.. and dancing with dinosaurs!
ISPL presenting its latest research findings [1, 2] at the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 2019 in Brighton (UK). [1] A. Lieto, D. Moro, F. Devoti, C. Parera, V. Lipari, P. Bestagini, and S. Tubaro,
The GTTI-SPS Thematic Meeting on Multimedia Signal Processing gathers researchers and professionals in the domain of multimedia signal processing and its applications. The event offers the participants the opportunity to interact and exchange ideas about scientific achievements, as well as to promote
ISPL @ WIFS 2018
The IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS) is a unique annual event organised by the IEEE Information Forensics and Security (IFS) Technical Committee of the IEEE Signal Processing Society. It is a major forum that brings researchers
Machine Learning for Geophysics @ SEG 2018
Francesco Picetti is attending the SEG Annual Meeting in Los Angeles, CA, USA! He’s presenting a new Machine Learning paradigm, the Generative Adversarial Network, for processing seimic images.
PoliMIne @ TSP 2018
Last week our Francesco Picetti has attended the 41st Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing, in Athens. He presented a CNN for landmine detection usign GPR!