We are happy to announce the publication of OccamyPy, a python library for solving small- and large-scale inverse problems!
Codes and tutorials: https://github.com/fpicetti/occamypy
This library has been developed at Stanford University by Ettore Biondi, Guillaume Barnier, Robert Clapp, Stuart Farris and our Francesco Picetti.
The key features are:
– CPU and GPU vectors operations
– linear and nonlinear abstract operators, with a number of signal processing operators already implemented (derivatives, convolutions, smoothing)
– from laptops to HPC clusters in one click
– most common problems already implemented (linear and nonlinear regularized least-squares with preconditioning)
– state-of-the-art algorithms (CG, LSQR, FISTA, ISTC, SplitBregman, MCMC, L-BFGS, L-BFGS-B, Truncated Newton)
– a number of utilities for handling runs (stoppers, restart, logging)
You can install it with “pip install occamypy”. Play with the tutorials and let us know!